- "With AI, the thing I am most excited about is being able to augment decision-making, not necessarily automate it."
- "I would like to challenge people in AI as, are you really using AI to solve the Root Cause Analysis?"
- "On the consumer side, the biggest market is with home automation, with building devices at home to help you with small tasks."
- "If you can't distinguish the difference between new and completely innovative, and then being able to master the skills to actually apply that, you will just naturally be left behind."
Season 02 Episode 01
UI & Artificial Intelligence
Featuring Erica Lee
We communicate with artificial intelligence via user interface, or UI. AI innovator Erica Lee joins Dirk and Jon to talk about the present and future of people communication with our smart machines.
AI innovator Erica Lee joins Dirk and Jon to explore user interface and artificial intelligence. We talk about on-trend inputs like gestural and voice and how they contribute to augmentation and automation driven by artificial intelligence.
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