- "Machine learning will lead to a pivotal change in how scientific research is conducted by traditional researchers."
- "What really excites me the most about deep learning is how it's easier and easier to deploy and train machine learning models."
- "As a millennial I always believe in making a difference in the world and making an impact. I always envision myself as doing something that changes or helps thousands of people in a few years."
- "I am very worried at how easy it is now to not distinguish between what is real and what is fake."
Season 01 Episode 10
Student-Driven Learning
Featuring Vaidheeswaran Archana
How do ambitious and driven students enhance their educational experience? Research engineer and recent graduate Vaidheeswaran Archana joins Dirk and Jon to talk AI and share her educational experiences.
Higher education changes slowly, far behind the pace of emerging technologies. To bridge the gap ambitious students hack their education with a combination of social and personal augmentations. Research engineer and recent graduate Vaidheeswaran Archana joins Dirk and Jon to share the ways in which things like Hackathons and student-run and founded research labs enhanced her formal university education in Chennai, India.
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